Friday, April 18, 2008

How to contribute to the EcoLink Online Community Platform?

The concept of EcoLink is built on the participatory approach, encouraging organizations and individuals to participate in developing topic trees and populating the site with various types of information.

The information might be an electronic document or file of any description, a website link or metadata about an environmental topic. In general, any item of information on any environmental subject matter related to the main objective of the EcoLink site can be uploaded or linked to EcoLink as long as it applies to a certain set of quality standards and values.
Information is added single-handedly by Topic Editors in four different sections:
  • Topic based Blogs (in process of being set up for each topic)
  • Notice Board (Important announcements and event dates for Long Beach region and Southern California)
  • News (Dedicated sections for each active topics - Water, Air and Land – set up on the News portal.
  • EcoLink Calendar (in process of being set up as a joint all-topics calendar)

Information is provided by Topic Editors to the Webmaster for inclusion in the website in two areas:

  • General educational and information material to be included into the Resources Sections of active topics – currently Water, Air and Land
  • Videos to be included into the “Videos” Section of EcoLink (a link to the online Video will suffice)

The preferred form of communication is e-mail or posting proposed content directly into the corresponding topic sections of the EcoLink platform.

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Thank you for your consideration.

EcoLink Team...

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